Certified Forklift Operator – The Top Benefits of Becoming Certified

Forklifts play a critical role in a number of industries, including manufacturing, warehousing, and construction. They provide a level of convenience and make tough jobs much easier. This is one of the reasons why becoming a certified forklift operator can result in a stable and rewarding career.

However, not just anyone can jump on a forklift and start working. They require a certain level of skill and knowledge to operate effectively. That’s why you must become certified first.

If you work in an industry that requires the use of forklifts or are considering a career change, becoming a certified forklift operator comes with a number of benefits. This a great way to further your career.

Let’s go over some advantages of being a certified forklift driver.

Get Your Forklift Certification

Keep Yourself and Other Employees Safe

Manufacturing and construction are among the top five industries with the most amount of work-related injuries. Both of these industries require the use of equipment such as forklifts.

Workplace safety is important, especially when the work involves heavy equipment. In industrial settings, an accident could result in serious injury or even death.

A big part of forklift training and becoming a certified forklift operator involves safety compliance. You’ll not only learn how to operate the machines but also how to protect yourself and the people around you from injury.

As an employee, you owe it to yourself to stay healthy. Doing so means you’ll avoid missing work and losing out on wages.

These safety precautions are important for business owners as well. Workplace injuries raise workers’ compensation costs and cause a slowdown in production. They also lower morale among a team.

By becoming certified, you’ll understand how to operate forklifts with safety in mind. This provides peace of mind that you, along with everyone around you, are out of harm’s way.

More Job Opportunities

Have you gone as far as you can in your current job position? It’s time to advance your skill set and open yourself up to more opportunities. Becoming a  forklift driver is a great place to start.

Not only will more jobs become available to you, but you’ll also have a chance to make more money. A more advanced skill set means employers will be more willing to pay you a higher wage.

For employers, hiring a certified operator protects them from safety hazards and ensures their production operation is as efficient as it can be. They can’t get this from an untrained worker.

In addition, employers won’t have to spend the money to get you certified. This definitely gives you a competitive advantage over other uncertified applicants. The initiative you take to get certified yourself also shows you’re proactive about your career and ready to take on responsibility.

Another huge benefit is that once you’re trained, certified, and OSHA compliant, you’re able to operate a forklift in any state. This equates to job security wherever you go.

Legal Compliance

Becoming forklift certified means you’ll be in compliance with workplace safety regulations set in place. This protects you and the company you work for in the event of an accident.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) works to ensure safe and healthy working conditions across the country. They require all operators of forklifts to hold a certification.

OSHA can fine employers if they find an employee operating a forklift without the proper safety certifications. If they find additional workplace negligence, the fine can increase significantly.

Certification is also important for legal reasons. For example, let’s say an accident occurs on a work site, and an injured party brings a lawsuit against the company. If the accident involved an uncertified forklift operator, this puts the company in a much more vulnerable state.

With these regulations in place, getting certified is a no-brainer. Don’t risk fines and legal issues by attempting to operate a forklift without the required training.

Become a More Efficient Employee

Do you feel you have much more to offer but can’t truly excel because of your inability to operate a forklift? Are you constantly getting overshadowed by your coworkers?

In addition to becoming OSHA compliant, training will teach you how to operate forklifts effectively, which means you’ll be able to contribute more to your company. Once you receive your certification, you can start gaining experience and increasing your skills immediately.

Becoming a more productive employee will increase your value and job security. It can also put you in a much better position for pay raises and promotions.

Finally, your ability to add to the efficiency of your team will boost morale and make your job more fulfilling. A forklift certification will also open the door to new opportunities to learn how to operate other heavy equipment.

Cost Savings

Once you’re up and running the forklift, you’ll start learning the ins and outs of the machine. Soon you’ll be able to handle maintenance issues that would otherwise cost your company money. Your employer may even opt to invest in further forklift training even after you’ve become a certified forklift operator in order to keep operating costs down.

Properly operating a forklift will also cut down on wear and tear along with breakdowns. This increases the longevity of the machine and delays the need for repairs or replacement.

Another cost-saving element involves insurance. In the event of an accident, if you provide the insurance company with proof of certification, there’s a better chance they’ll reduce the expense of the workers’ comp coverage in place.

In addition, many insurance companies offer discounts on premiums if you take certain precautions. Showing all operators have completed OSHA safety training could result in a decrease in insurance costs.

When taking the cost of courses into consideration, the return on investment makes getting certified an easy choice.

Become a Certified Forklift Operator Today

If you work in the construction, manufacturing, or warehousing industry, you owe it to yourself to become a certified forklift operator. Doing so will help you advance your career and also ensure you’re in compliance with safety regulations.

Keep the benefits discussed above in mind when considering forklift training.

We provide resources and training courses for forklift operators. Contact us today to get started.